About Dakota Warner

Dakota Warner is the owner and managing attorney of Warner Law Firm, PLLC. Dakota is a graduate of West Virginia University College of Law. After spending time as a litigation attorney, Dakota has dedicated his entire practice to estate planning, Medicaid planning, and related areas of elder law in West Virginia, Maryland, and South Carolina. Since beginning his practice, Dakota has helped families with difficult estate planning decisions and has crafted personalized estate plans to ensure client’s planning objectives are met in an efficient manner. He is also passionate about helping individuals and families obtain long-term care Medicaid benefits while also preserving and protecting their assets. Dakota is driven by a desire to give peace of mind to clients by helping them avoid, or guide them through crisis planning situations. Dakota is an Elder Counsel member which provides the most up to date resources and information to ensure every client receives high quality plans and strategies to maximize results based on each client’s individual needs.

Dakota is active in the local community by offering free information and presentations on estate planning, Medicaid, elder law, and issues that affect the senior population. He also provides pro bono services through Legal Aid of West Virginia. In his free time, Dakota likes to spend time outdoors, see live music, and travel to new places.

Why Choose Warner Law Firm?


The practice areas of estate planning and Elder Law were an unexpected but rewarding career change. I was first introduced to these practice areas through difficult personal experiences with loved ones. I was caring for a loved one who needed long-term nursing home care. I was eventually told, like many families are, that the only way to have long-term care paid for was through Medicaid. The person I was caring for had worked full time since she was 16 years old. I was told that she would have to spend everything she had spent decades saving on nursing home bills. I could not accept this outcome. From there, this family member became my first “client”. While I was still working at a different firm practicing litigation, I spent my free time making an estate plan to ensure my family member’s wishes were followed. I was also able to create and execute a plan that qualified her for Medicaid while preserving and protecting all her assets.

While difficult, these experiences opened my eyes to the critical importance of proper planning to both protect your assets and provide peace of mind to you and your loved ones. By going through the process with a loved one, I instantly knew that the rest of my career would be dedicated to helping others in similar difficult situations. Within a few months, I started this firm to help others navigate the complexities of estate planning and Medicaid planning.


By choosing to focus entirely on estate planning, Medicaid planning, and related areas, I can be completely devoted to your specific needs no matter how simple or complex. I am available to help clients with critical estate planning decisions and use strategies that limit tax liability, protect assets from creditors, and ensure your planning objectives are met.

Similarly, Medicaid Planning is complex and eligibility rules vary by state. I use numerous legal and planning strategies to get clients eligible for Medicaid benefits quickly and in a way that preserves and protects the most assets based on your unique situation. Medicaid eligibility rules are unforgiving. Some mistakes are irreversible and can cause a loved one to become ineligible for Medicaid for an extended period. With the cost of nursing home care often exceeding $10,000 a month, delays in becoming eligible for Medicaid can quickly eat away at a person’s savings. I am here to ensure that these issues are avoided and you or your loved one gets the care needed as quickly as possible while also protecting hard-earned savings.


Unfortunately, many people put off planning until it is too late, or the situation becomes extremely urgent. I can help no matter what your individual situation is. As an Elder Counsel member, I have the most up to date resources to ensure that your matter will be handled in a timely matter. Since estate planning mistakes can have devastating effects on a family, and with nursing home expenses often exceeding $10,000 a month, it is important to work with an elder law attorney that has the available resources to give you the peace of mind that your objectives will be met.